Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sleeps in Her Crown

Kristen Pass, an 18 year old with Down syndrome, recently earned the title of homecoming queen. The crown is typically awarded to the popular cheerleader or the student council president, but this was not the case at Aledo High School. Kristen Pass is a loving teenage girl who always treats everyone fairly and is said to “always have a smile on her face”(ABC News). Carolyn Pass, the mother of Kristen, said, “there wasn't a dry eye to be seen”(ABC News) as Kristen was crowned the homecoming queen during halftime of the football game. When being interviewed, Kristen said she hasn’t taken off her crown yet and said she sleeps with it on.
This article is a heart- warming story and brings a big smile to my face. I knew a girl that had Down syndrome in high school, and she is the sweetest and one of the most genuine people I have ever met. People with Down syndrome shouldn’t be treated any differently than anyone else. According to the article, “down syndrome affects one in every 773 babies born each year, according to the National Down Syndrome Society, and occurs when a person has three, not two, copies of the 21st chromosome. According to Kristen’s family and peers she “treats peers like royalty" (ABC News). Kristen Pass deserves to wear the crown, because she is a special person both inside and out. Check out this video!! It is really worth watching. 
Has anyone worked with kids with disabilities?  I want everyone's feedback about how these persons are really something special.  If you have worked with kids with disabilities, what have you gained from the experience?  Also, did these special persons go to your high school?  I know we hosted a basketball game for the mentally challenged and the whole school came out to watch.  It made me so happy watching the big smiles on their faces as they realized the crowd was roaring for them.  

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