Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Friends for the Rest of College?

Looking around at the girls I am hanging out with now, I wonder: who is still going to be my friend four years from now?  The fake smiles and the friendly greets have faded away and I have started to realize who my true friends are.  The girls that don't criticize my wardrobe but instead help me pick out my cute outfits.  The girls that don't always tell me what I want to hear, but provide me with great advice.  But most of all, the girls that respect my decisions.  Meaning the girls that aren't pressuring me.  I have become more comfortable on campus.  I am beginning to appreciate my surroundings more, realizing how lucky I am to be here at SMU.
I am curious to see how the rest of my year pans out.  Will the girls I am hanging out with now, be my friends next semester when rush comes?  It is weird to think that my group of friends may change in a couple months.  Has anyone thought about this?  I don't know about you, but it is kind of scaring me.  I hope that I find the girls that I am going to be friends with for the rest of my life.  Right now, I don't know if I have that.  


Paris Hilton said...

I completely understand what you are saying. I have thought a few time about who my real friends will ultimately be. It's weird to think that some, maybe most, of the people that you are spending so much time with right now, may not be so important by next semester. Everyone told me, "You'll find your group of friends, it just takes time." But I feel like I don't want to wait any more. Yeah, I love meeting all of these new people, but I want to have friends that I know will be there no matter what. I guess it's something that can't be rushed. Good post - something to think about!

Anonymous said...

AlmostFamous has a good question: I don't know the answer, but some of you who have older friends might be able to help out here--does joining different sororities make it hard to stay friends?

Rochelle said...

This is a great topic to post about, because for most students our age, the change to college meant the biggest change of best friends you've ever experienced (because of the locational change of course). I still keep in contact with a lot of my old friends and hung out with them over Thanksgiving, but for the most part the set of people that know most about what's going on with me and the ones I spend my weekends with right now are my new SMU friends. And I never really considered until I read your post that these new friends of mine are totally not set in stone either.

And I know everyone wants to have the perfect situations like the television shows (Friends, Sex and the City, etc.) but the truth is that you can't always be with your "besties" forever because life might take you somewhere else. However, I think it's important to value the friends that you make along the way and just enjoy the people you're around in the present and not worry too much about the future.