Sunday, September 28, 2008


I posted a comment on Littlecoe4's blog about self defense.
I posted a comment on Paris Hilton's blog titled can you come back after the death penalty?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Careless Drivers

               I have been recently scanning through news articles while I am surfing the internet on my laptop.  I have come across a few eye opening articles that really disturbed me.  
               I have always known that there are careless drivers on the roads but did not realize how this careless activity has led to tradegies and deaths.  I am not talking about driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol but driving while talking on the phone, putting on makeup, eating or drinking coffee.  This distractions have caused more than severe accidents but deaths as well.
                   I came across an article titled FHP Says Driver Was On Phone During Crash That Killed Teen Girl.  The article specifically talks about the carelessness of a truck driver who smashed into the rear of the bus.  It states that "there were 21 students on the school bus when it crashed" (  An eyewitness told reporters that the bus went up into flames and the kids had to be rescued.  The part of the article which was most disturbing is the fact that "the bus driver and eight students were injured.  Frances Schee, 13, died.  She was an eighth grade student at North Marion Middle School.  Of the eight injuries, four were released and four remain in critical condition" (  It is saddening and devastating. 
             Reinaldo Andujar Gonzalez, the bus driver, will have to live with this burden for the rest of his life.  There are pending charges against Gonzalez and the investigation is said to take "up to 45 days" (   Is it really worth it participate in these distractions if it could turn into a destructive accident?  I recommend looking at the video I attached which gives more detail about the incident.  I know next time I get into a car, I will be concentrating on one thing only: DRIVING!
             I am definitely guilty of not paying attention on the road.  I usually have the music blaring and girls talking over each other as I struggle to get solid directions from one person.  A funny personal driving story happened when I was coming back from basketball practice.  I was sitting at a light with my friend in shotgun and another teammate in the back.  I put my head down and slightly let up on the brakes as I reached for a CD case.  BUMP.  I hit the black BMW in front of me.  So, I frantically throw the car in reverse hitting the car behind me.  It was a ridiculous experience.  My teammates, in the cars behind and in front of me, weren't too pleased with me but there was no damage...Thank God!  It goes to show you how while behind the wheel you have to be really careful and paying attention all the time.  Does anyone have some careless driving stories? Funny or not so funny?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ike Hits Hard

When I heard the news that a hurricane was hitting Texas, I was shocked and a little nervous.  Living in Chicago, Illinois I have never experienced a hurricane incident.  I have heard the devastating stories of when hurricanes hit, and although it is only a category 1 it is still nerve racking. 
I became very curious with the subject and decided to look through the news articles online and share my findings with everyone.  After reading  I became educated about how the hurricane has not only left  4 million people powerless but there have been several fires creating more damage along the Texas Gulf Coast.  "Houston 911 received 1,250 fire and emergency calls over the past 24 hours--about 60 percent higher than normal" (  Firefighters have been unable to put out the blazing fires because of the flooding.  Galveston, TX is experiencing the wrath of the hurricane.  Despite this, a whopping "40 percent of the city's 57,523 residents chose to stay despite evacuation orders" (  
The Houston vs. Air Force football game has been moved to the Gerald J. Ford Stadium this Saturday due to the weather.  Also, the Dedman Fitness Center has been closed due to the change with the football game.  I am curious to see how hard the storm hits the SMU campus, but I am nervous at the same time.  I attached a video link so people can see the destruction Hurricane Ike has already had on the Texas Gulf Coast.  HURRICANE IKE BARRELS TOWARD TEXAS
Was anyone affected by Hurricane Ike or by any other hurricanes in general?  I would definitely like to get feedback and understand the process of evacuation or the precautions that have to be taken during the storm.  It must be a very scary experience, therefore I praise the families that have been through any hurricanes and have to struggle to keep their houses in one piece.  Also, are there any interesting/ crazy stories that have happened during the hurricanes?  

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I posted a comment on Chelsea's blog titled, My Blog about To Drive or Not to Drive.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ivy League Janitor

I was debating whether to go to Luis Alberto Urrea's presentation on "The Devil's Highway" because I thought it was going to be an emotional presentation about illegal immigration.  Instead, Urrea brought so much life to his presentation.  He was very animated and humorous, while giving his speech behind the podium.  I shouldn't call it a speech but instead a story.  Urrea illustrates his life story.  
  Urrea explains the sacrifices his family made to make his life better.  Urrea was the first to go off to college in his direct family and earn a university degree.  He explained how his father drove back to Mexico in order to get a thousand dollars for his graduation gift.  His father got into a severe car crash on the way home and died.  Urrea's father was left without medical attention for eight hours.  Chills ran down my back while in the auditorium, when I visualized this occurrence.
I think it is outrageous that Urrea had to pay a fine in order to get his father released.  He was no longer living, just a dead body, in the back of a car within the confines of a cardboard box.  Urrea used the thousand dollars to retrieve his father.  Urrea explains how his father was left to pay for his own funeral.  This is such a disturbing thought and I couldn't imagine the feelings Luis Alberto Urrea felt burying his father.  
 Urrea tried to look past all the destruction and realized that his father had sacrificed his life for his son.  I think it is amazing how Urrea was able to pull through this experience and crank out books concerning the issues of illegal immigration.  
It was quite hilarious when Urrea talked about his experiences from being a movie extra in a Chuck Norris film to submitting his pieces of writing to become an ivy league janitor.  I think it is special that Urrea was able to go back to his hometown of Tijuana, and help the children in the orphanages.  He became Pastor Von's translator and contributed to the lives of many unfortunate people.  Luis Alberto Urrea wrote three books on the border patrol, before asked to write the book, "The Devil's Highway", about the Yuma 14.  Urrea's willingness to explore and search for more information about the border patrol and illegal immigration is fascinating.  Before reading his book and attending his presentation, I did not find illegal immigration a very interesting or appealing subject, I just always knew it was an issue.  Urrea's adventure to get closer to the Border Patrol is a humorous yet scary story.  From the visiting Yuma Station to being sent over to Wellton Station, each occurrence is intense.  
I think it is amazing how much information Urrea absorbs visiting each location.  He realizes the background of Kenny Smith, the supervisory agent over at the Wellton Station.  I was able to understand the position of the Border Patrol from Urrea's presentation.  Kenny Smith, Border Patrol agent,  explains how disturbed he was after the Yuma 14 rescue.  Smith carried a dead 19 year old girl in his arms for 6 miles.  I could not imagine dealing with death everyday like Kenny Smith, out on the Devil's Highway.  
Kenny explained to Urrea that he can write whatever he wants in his book of his, but to get the information right.  Kenny said, "then you can attack us all you want".  I believe Urrea is a phenomenal story teller.  In person and through his book I have learned so much about the issue of illegal immigration.  I have learned the sides and I believe Urrea did a successful job "getting it right" and "telling it how it is".

Friday, September 5, 2008


I posted a comment on GET SOME YEAH'S blog about Death Spiral.

I posted a comment on Paris Hilton's blog about attendance.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wedding Bells

I just received a phone call from my brother and he told me some very exciting news.  Him and his girlfriend of about two years were engaged and going to get married around Christmas time.  At first, I was so ecstatic and told everyone in sight, even if they didn't even know who the heck I was.  Then I realized, the big wedding day was coming up and would be this Christmas!  Is my brother nuts?!  A lot of thought goes into a wedding and it should be perfect, a couple months to design the perfect day  is not nearly enough time.  
I called my mom up right away to talk to her about the big news, and how exciting the idea of marriage is.  As a young girl I have always imagined the ideal white wedding.  The white gown and the white roses nicely decorated on each table.  The church bells, the limo, the reception, the guest list, are just a few major details that go into the planning of a wedding.  I asked my mom how all of this would get done before Christmas.  She said, "marriage is not about all the decorations and the reception is about love. "  I realized what she was saying was extremely true, and in fact a wedding is based on love and not the materials or the guest list.  A successful wedding is solely dependent on the two people getting married.  I know that my brother is going to share a wonderful life with a wonderful girl.  It is going to be a small wedding with just our families because it doesn't need to be a blow out wedding for it to be a successful wedding.  Marriage is based on connecting two people for eternal life with a big something called love.   

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Stretching our Boundaries

                    The high school to college transition has definitely been a fun yet overwhelming experience.  Peers constantly asking if you want to go out on school nights and the pressures of drugs and alcohol are a couple of things I have already faced here at Southern Methodist University.  Even if you choose to "stay in" this does not mean you are getting to bed early.  I am in college now and make decisions everyday.  I dictate my grades in school and my social life out of class.  I am in charge of one individual or one body.
                    Parents are back home unable to motivate us to do well in school, and teachers are certainly not going to spoon-feed us the class material.  Your parents are no longer your alarm clock; instead you learn how to get off to class before the teacher begins the lecture or lesson for the day.  It is hard to be in a completely different atmosphere, where you can do what you want, at your own risk.
                    Everyone is new to college and I have been realizing that going up to random people and getting to know as many people as possible is the way to go.  When I go out to parties or even when I am in class I try to meet a large range of people.  Meaning not only freshmen but older guys and girls.  I have learned that there is a lot of emphasis on sorority and fraternity life here.  There are rules and some girls I have met stress out about it and constantly ask which one I want to be in.  I just go out and be myself.  I am not trying to impress anyone and  I am flocking to people that are most like me even if they are upperclassmen.     
                    In conclusion, although college is an overwhelming experience with so many unfamiliar faces it is important to keep an open mind.  I am not quick to judge and want to get involved in everything I can.  I recently decided to play on the club volleyball team.  I think this way I can not only meet freshmen girls in Boaz and people at parties, but meet a group of girls that likes to play the same sport as me.  I hope everyone takes advantage of SMU and gets involved in someway to keep them busy.  Getting involved, keeping an open mind, and time management are definitely goals I want to concentrate on.  What are your goals as a freshman student, and how will you make your college experience a successful one?